What is the aldenmodelproject.com?
The aldenmodelproject.com is an Alden fan site intended to help eBay buyers and sellers research Alden shoes. Use the information to help decide what to pay or sell a pair of Alden shoes for.
The site also has model information. Alden offers a wide range of shoe lasts and those lasts greatly affect the fit of the shoe. Unfortunately, Alden does not list the shoe last on the inside the shoe. Or on the box. Or nearly anywhere else. Buying a pair made on the Hampton last when you thought it was made on the Barrie last can result in the pair being too small to wear. It happens. The model details on this website can help you avoid that scenario. But use this information as a reference. It’s not guaranteed. Double check any information found.
Where did this model information come from?
In 2015, I started tagging Alden eBay listings with the Alden model number. Not every listing but many of them. Eventually much of this tagging process became automated. I augmented this listing/model database with model attributes such as the upper leather, last and style. I am still adding to the information. It took me some time (years), to put the data on the web but here is it.
How can I get an eBay listing to appear on this site?
The easiest way is to put the model number in the title of the listing (i.e. “975”). If the model number is included in the listing, the listing should appear on the site in under an hour. The eBay listing information is automatically updated so it should be current. I review the automated listing classification regularly and correct issues when found. I also might remove listings where the pair is in very poor shape. Or if the main photo includes your feet in the shoes. Don’t do that.
Why just list models that were on eBay?
EBay listing data is what I have. I don’t know how many models Alden has produced but it’s likely north of 10,000, so documenting all of them would be an effort. Alden of San Diego, Alden Army, and Alden StyleForum thread are great resources for finding information about models.
How accurate is the information?
I would classify the information as crowd-sourced. The model data is not sourced from the Alden factory directly but mostly through second-hand or third-hand channels. The sources include Alden dealer listings, catalogs, eBay listings and the knowledge of various contributors.
I found a model that has wrong or incomplete information. How do I fix it?
Use the contact form to notify me of the issue.
Who am I?
My name is David Kreinheder and I love classic shoe styles, especially long wings. My closet is home to a number of great Alden pairs. I also run a vintage shoe blog called vcleat.com that covers vintage shoes from the 1950s to 1990s. Check it out. And one more thing, I have a new site for Viberg eBay history called the rebootery.com.
What is your favorite Alden model?
I love the 40557H Natural Chromexcel Indy boot. It has been my go-to boot for a long time. The upper leather has a nice golden patina after many years of wear. The neo-cork outsole wears like iron and has surprisingly good traction in the rain. The Thomas heel is great to walk in. I wish Alden would use that heel on more models. I also wear the 97641 and 97809C long wings often. Because I like long wings. A lot.
I want to help, how can I?
If you have good knowledge of Alden models, you can become an editor. Send me an email via the contact page along with some details on your experience.